Thursday, October 27, 2011

Best Company

The Company You Keep Author: Anonymous

It Is Better To Be Alone, Than In The Wrong Company

Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are.  If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl.  But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.  “A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.”  The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate – for the good and the bad.

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve.  Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.  An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people.  As you grow, your associates will change.  Some of your friends will not want you to go on.  They will want you to stay where they are.  Friends that don’t help you climb will want you to crawl.  Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream.  Those that don’t increase you will eventually decrease you.  Consider this:
Never receive counsel from unproductive people.
Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how.  Not everyone has a right to speak into your life.

You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.
Don’t follow anyone who’s not going anywhere.  With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it.
Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.
Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships.

Happy moments?  Praise God
Difficult moments?  Seek God
Quiet moments?  Worship God
Painful moments?  Trust God
Every moment?  Thank God
If you see people without a smile today … Give them one of yours.

“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” - Proverbs 18:24 

Source : Sherry's Inspirational

Helping Others

We All Need A Hug Author: Charles Swindoll
Charles Swindoll shares how, in the fall of the year Linda, a young woman, was traveling alone in the rutted and rugged highway from Alberta, Canada, to the Yukon. Linda didn't know you don't travel to Whitehorse alone in a rundown little Honda Civic - so she set off where only four wheel drives normally venture.

The first evening she found a room in the mountains near the summit and asked for a 5 o'clock wake up call, so she could get an early start. 
She couldn't understand why the clerk looked surprised at the request, but as she awoke to early morning fog shrouding the mountain tops, she understood.

Not wanting to look foolish, she got up and went to breakfast.  Two truckers invited Linda to join them, and since the place was so small, she felt obliged.  "Where are you headed?" one of the truckers asked.
"Whitehorse," she answered.
"In that little Civic?" one of them said.  "No way!  This pass is way too dangerous in weather like this."
"Well, I'm determined to try," was Linda's gutsy, if not very informed, response.
"Then I guess we're just going to have to hug you," the trucker suggested.
Linda drew back.  "There's no way I'm going to let you touch me!" she said angrily.
"Not like that!" the truckers chuckled. 
"We'll put one truck in front of you and one in the rear.  In that way, we'll get you through the mountains safely."

All that foggy morning Linda followed the two red dots. The tail lights of the rig in front of her.  She had the reassurance of another big rig, right behind her, as they slowly made their way safely up, and through the mountains. She realized that she could never have traveled this road on her own. She needed the two truckers to 'hug' her.

Caught in the fog on our own dangerous passage through life, we need to be "hugged" too sometimes.  With fellow Christians who know the way and can lead safely ahead of us, and with others behind. Gently encouraging us along, so we too, can pass safely through the mountains and passes of life. .
"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 
Charles R Swindoll, Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life
“With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;” - Ephesians 4:2 

Source : Sherry's Inspirational

Precious Gift

The Matchless Pearl
Author: Unknown

David Morse - American missionary to India - became great friends there with the pearl-diver, Rambhau. Many an evening he spent in Rambhau's cabin reading to him from the Bible, and explaining to him God's way of salvation.

Rambhau enjoyed listening to the Word of God, but whenever the missionary tried to get Rambhau to accept Christ as his Savior - he would shake his head and reply, "Your Christian way to heaven is too easy for me! I cannot accept it. If ever I should find admittance to heaven in that manner - I would feel like a pauper there ... like a beggar who has been let in out of pity. I may be proud - but I want to deserve, I want to earn my place in heaven -- and so I am going to work for it."

Nothing the missionary could say seemed to have any effect on Rambhau's decision, and so quite a few years slipped by. One evening, however, the missionary heard a knock on his door, and on going to open it he found Rambhau there.
"Come in, dear friend," said Morse.
"No," said the pearl-diver. "I want you to come with me to my house, Sahib, for a short time -- I have something to show you. Please do not say 'No'."
"Of course I'll come," replied the missionary. As they neared his house, Rambhau said: "In a week's time I start working for my place in heaven; I am leaving for Delhi -- and I am going there on my knees."
"Man, you are crazy! It's nine hundred miles to Delhi, and the skin will break on your knees, and you will have blood-poisoning or leprosy before you get to Bombay."
"No, I must get to Delhi," affirmed Rambhau, "and the immortals will reward me for it! The suffering will be sweet - for it will purchase heaven for me!"
"Rambhau, my friend - you can't. How can I bear you to do it - when Jesus Christ has suffered and died to purchase heaven for you!"
But the old man could not be moved. "You are my dearest friend on earth, Sahib Morse. Through all these years you have stood by me in sickness, in want - you have been sometimes my only friend. But even you cannot turn me from my desire to purchase eternal bliss...I must go to Delhi!"

Inside the hut Morse was seated in the very chair Rambhau had specially built for him - where on so many occasions he had read to him the Bible.
Rambhau left the room to return soon with a small but heavy English strongbox. "I have had this box for years," said he, "and I keep only one thing in it. Now I will tell you about it, Sahib Morse. I once had a son..."
"A son! Why, Rambhau, you have never before said a word about him!"
"No, Sahib, I couldn't." Even as he spoke the diver's eyes were moistened.
"Now I must tell you, for soon I will leave, and who knows whether I shall ever return? My son was a diver too. He was the best pearl diver on the coasts of India. He had the swiftest dive, the keenest eye, the strongest arm, the longest breath of any man who ever sought for pearls. What joy he brought to me! Most pearls, as you know, have some defect or blemish only the expert can discern, but my boy always dreamed of finding the 'perfect' pearl - one beyond all that was ever found. One day he found it! But even when he saw it - he had been under water too long... That pearl cost him his life, for he died soon after."
The old pearl diver bowed his head. For a moment his whole body shook, but there was no sound. "All these years," he continued, "I have kept this pearl - but now I am going, not to return, and to you, my best friend - I am giving my pearl."

The old man worked the combination on the strongbox and drew from it a carefully wrapped package. Gently opening the cotton, he picked up a mammoth pearl and placed it in the hand of the missionary.
It was one of the largest pearls ever found off the coast of India, and glowed with a luster and brilliance never seen in cultured pearls. It would have brought a fabulous sum in any market.
For a moment the missionary was speechless and gazed with awe. "Rambhau! What a pearl!"
"That pearl, Sahib, is perfect," replied the Indian quietly. The missionary looked up quickly with a new thought: Was not this the very opportunity and occasion he had prayed for - to make Rambhau understand the value of Christ's sacrifice? So he said, designedly, "Rambhau, this is a wonderful pearl, an amazing pearl. Let me buy it. I would give you ten thousand dollars for it."
"Sahib! What do you mean?"
"Well, I will give you fifteen thousand dollars for it, or if it takes more - I will work for it."
"Sahib," said Rambhau, stiffening his whole body, "this pearl is beyond price. No man in all the world has money enough to pay what this pearl is worth to me. On the market a million dollars could not buy it. I will not sell it to you. You may only have it as a gift."
"No, Rambhau, I cannot accept that. As much as I want the pearl, I cannot accept it that way. Perhaps I am proud, but that is too easy. I must pay for it, or work for it..."
The old pearl-diver was stunned. "You don't understand at all, Sahib. Don't you see. My only son gave his life to get this pearl, and I wouldn't sell it for any money. Its worth is in the life-blood of my son. I cannot sell this - but I can give it to you. Just accept it in token of the love I bear you."
The missionary was choked, and for a moment could not speak. Then he gripped the hand of the old man. "Rambhau," he said in a low voice, "don't you see? My words are just what you have been saying to God all the time."

The diver looked long and searchingly at the missionary, and slowly, slowly he began to understand. "God is offering you salvation as a free gift," said the missionary. "It is so great and priceless that no man on earth can buy it. Millions of dollars are too little. No man on earth could earn it. His life would be millions of years too short. No man is good enough to deserve it. It cost God the life-blood of His only Son to make the entrance for you into heaven. In a million years, in a hundred pilgrimages, you could not earn that entrance. All you can do is to accept it as a token of God's love for you - a sinner.

"Rambhau, of course I will accept the pearl in deep humility, praying God that I may be worthy of your love. Rambhau, won't you accept God's great gift of heaven, too, in deep humility, knowing it cost Him the death of His Son to offer it to you?"
Great tears were now rolling down the cheeks of the old man. The veil was beginning to lift. "Sahib, I see it now. I have believed in the doctrine of Jesus for the last two years, but I could not believe that His salvation was free. Now I understand. Some things are too priceless to be bought or earned. Sahib, I will accept His salvation!"

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” -John 3:16 

Source : Sherry's Inspirational

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Siasat Setan

Kejatuhan Adam & Hawa (Kejadian 3:1-7)
Oleh : Deny S Pamudji
Siasat yang dipakai setan dalam menjatuhkan manusia tidak pernah berubah dari dulu hingga sekarang maupun dalam masa yang akan datang.  Yang berubah ialah cara penyampaiannya.

Bagaimana setan bisa menjatuhkan Adam & Hawa?
1. Setan menggoda manusia pada saat seorang diri
Ketika manusia seorang diri, dia amat rapuh. Apalagi jika tanpa pegangan pasti. Dia tidak tahu untuk apa dia hidup di dunia. Dia tidak tahu mau ke mana setelah ini. Dan dia tidak tahu apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan selama hidup ini.

2. Setan memutar balikkan fakta
Apa pun faktanya, selalu diputar balikkan.  Yang dilarang Tuhan, bisa dipelintir sehingga kita melihatnya hal yang tidak masuk akal jika hal sebegitu kecil saja bisa mendatangkan hukuman.  Misalnya firman Tuhan mengatakan janganlah berzina dengan mata, janganlah kasar perkataan.  Kita mendapat alasan masak memandang aja bisa berdosa.  Masakan mengumpat bisa kena hukuman.

3. Setan memberikan harapan palsu
Banyak dari kita tertipu karena iklan yang menjanjikan.  Akan dapat hadiah ini dan itu.  Berbagai tawaran hadiah, asalkan mengerjakan ini dan itu. Tetapi setelah semua dikerjakan, yang dijanjikan tidak pernah terwujud.  Dan ketika dimintai pertanggungjawaban, jawabnya sederhana, “Anda belum beruntung”

4. Setan mengajak orang lain untuk turut sertanya
Setan tidak pernah hanya mau mendapatkan satu jiwa.  Dia selalu mencari jiwa yang lemah yang mudah percaya.  Kemudian jiwa ini melemahkan orang lain karena orang lain itu mencintai dia, mengasihi dia, menaruh harapan pada dia.

5. Setan membuat kita ragu
Setan tidak henti-hentinya membuat kita ragu akan kuasa dan kasih Tuhan. Setan membuat kita bertanya apakah betul Tuhan itu masih berkuasa dan apakah betul Tuhan itu mengasihi kita.  Mengapa banyak kemiskinan, penyakit, dan penderitaan?  Tidakkah Tuhan peduli lagi?

Bagaimana supaya tidak terkena tipu daya setan?
1. Jangan bersandar pada pemikiran sendiri
2. Pelajari firman dengan baik dan menjadikan itu sebagai pedoman hidup.
3. Jangan mudah percaya pada janji2 harapan tertentu, apalagi sampai harus melepaskan iman.
4. Walaupun orang itu adalah orang terdekat kita, janganlah kita menyerahkan jiwa kita padanya.  Hanya Tuhan saja yang boleh kita percayai untuk masalah kehidupan yang akan datang.
5. Firman itu ya dan amin.  Firman tidak pernah kembali.  Ketidak sabaran kita membuat kita mudah meninggalkan Tuhan.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


SUARA HATI (Amsal 14:10-16)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun
Ada jalan yang disangka orang lurus, tetapi ujungnya menuju maut (Amsal 14:12)

Arl Weisman mewawancarai 1.036 orang yang telah bercerai untuk meneliti penyebabnya. Ternyata 80% menyatakan bahwa sebelum menikah, sudah muncul keraguan dalam hati mereka untuk bisa bertahan hidup bersama pasangannya. Ada yang terasa mengganjal di hati. Namun, perasaan itu ditutupi rasa optimis bahwa sesudah menikah semuanya akan berubah. Atau, sudah telanjur memastikan tanggal pernikahan. Weisman, dalam bukunya, Serious Doubts (Keraguan Serius) berkata: "Jika Anda sangat ragu menikahi seseorang, jangan nekat! Dengarkan suara hati agar jangan salah jalan."

Hati adalah pusat kehidupan batin. Tempat diolahnya perasaan dan pikiran terdalam. Dari hati muncul penilaian jujur pada diri sendiri. Suara hati membisikkannya kepada kita, terutama jika ada yang tak beres. Kita bisa saja mengabaikannya dan lebih menuruti apa kata orang. Namun, hati akan merana (ayat 10, 13). Orang bijak tak akan bertindak berdasarkan apa kata orang (ayat 15). Ia akan berhati-hati melangkah; peka mendengar suara hati. Ia tak akan ceroboh mengambil jalan yang disangka lurus. Ia tidak akan menjalaninya sebelum yakin bahwa jalan itu benar-benar lurus.

Salah jalan memang bukan akhir. Tuhan bisa membuat keputusan-keputusan keliru yang kita buat menjadi sesuatu yang berakhir baik. Anda, dengan pertolongan Tuhan, bisa kembali menempuh jalan yang benar. Namun, prosesnya menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga. Menguras pikiran dan perasaan. Anda akan mengalami kesusahan yang tak perlu terjadi. Jadi, sebelum mengambil keputusan penting, datanglah kepada Tuhan. Mintalah kepekaan untuk mendengar pimpinan-Nya, bahkan lewat suara hati Anda –JTI


Sumber : Renungan Harian


SARANG SEMUT (Ayub 1:1-22)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Dengan telanjang aku keluar dari kandungan ibuku, dengan telanjang juga aku akan kembali ke dalamnya (Ayub 1:21)

Suatu kali ketika pindah rumah, saya menemukan sebuah sarang semutdi salah satu lemari dapur di rumah tersebut. Sebuah gundukan sarang semut yang sudah sangat besar. Saya pun mengambil obat anti serangga. Tak butuh waktu lama beberapa menit saja sarang dan koloni semut yang mungkin sudah dibangun selama berbulan-bulan itu hancur berantakan.

Apa yang terjadi pada sarang dan koloni semut itu kurang lebih sama dengan yang pernah dialami oleh Ayub. Awalnya, kehidupan Ayub sangatlah sukses. Ia adalah "... yang terkaya dari semua orang di sebelah timur" (ayat 3). Ia juga memiliki keluarga besar yang baik. Akan tetapi, suatu hari Allah mengizinkan seluruh kesuksesan tersebut diambil dari hidupnya. Segala hal yang telah ia bangun selama bertahun-tahun, tiba-tiba lenyap habis dalam satu hari saja.

Inilah realitas tentang betapa rapuhnya kesuksesan manusia. Segala keberhasilan yang dibangun selama bertahun-tahun, dapat lenyap begitu saja. Karena itu, bodohlah kalau kita menjadi sombong hanya karena saat ini kita merasa lebih berhasil daripada orang lain. Lebih bodoh lagi, kalau kita menggantikan Allah dengan kesuksesan kita. Sebab itu, hendaklah kita menggantungkan hidup hanya kepada Sang Pemberi segala keberhasilan tersebut. Lepaskan keterikatan pada segala keberhasilan kita. Agar kita menjadi pribadi yang tetap kuat berpegang kepada Tuhan dalam segala kondisi. Bahkan apabila kesuksesan tersebut diizinkan Tuhan hilang dari hidup kita seperti Ayub, kita dapat tetap berkata bahwa Tuhan berdaulat atas apa pun yang kita punya --ALS


Sumber : Renungan Harian


Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Karena itu, setelah aku menyelidiki segala peristiwa itu dengan saksama dari asal mulanya, aku mengambil keputusan untuk membukukannya dengan teratur bagimu (Lukas 1:3)

Setiap membuka situs jejaring sosial, kita selalu diperhadapkan pada sebuah kolom di mana kita bisa menulis pesan pendek atau apa saja yang terlintas di benak kita. Beberapa orang menggunakan fasilitas ini dengan bertanggung jawab, tetapi banyak juga yang tidak. Kata-kata yang tidak menyenangkan, kata-kata yang menyerang, kata-kata kotor dan melecehkan, bahkan kata-kata yang melukai orang lain, dengan begitu mudah dapat ditulis dan dipublikasikan segera melalui akun jaringan sosial yang dimiliki. Saking mudahnya menulis, si pelontar tulisan bisa ceroboh tidak memedulikan pengaruhnya bagi orang yang membaca tulisan itu.

Sangat berbeda dengan penulis injil Lukas. Ia sangat peduli bagaimana pemberitaan tentang kehidupan Yesus dapat memengaruhi mereka yang mendengarnya. Injil Lukas ini ditujukan kepada Teofilus, juga kepada kita. Lukas dengan sengaja menyelidiki segala peristiwa dengan saksama dari mulanya, untuk memastikan bahwa semua yang diberitakan adalah kebenaran semata. Lukas juga berusaha membukukannya dengan teratur mungkin agar tidak menimbulkan kebingungan atau pemahaman keliru saat orang membacanya. Buku yang baik akan sangat membantu meluruskan banyak hal.

Hari ini, kita diajak meneladani penulis Injil Lukas dalam menulis dan memublikasikan sebuah tulisan; baik itu tulisan yang sangat pendek atau tulisan yang panjang. Ingatlah bahwa setiap tulisan yang kita publikasikan, pasti akan memengaruhi orang lain. Marilah kita memastikan kebenaran berita yang akan kita sampaikan dan memilih cara penyampaian yang tepat; agar siapa pun yang membaca, dikuatkan iman dan pengenalannya kepada Kristus --SL


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Roh Kudus

MERAYAKAN PERBEDAAN (Kisah Para Rasul 10:34-43)

Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Sesungguhnya aku telah mengerti bahwa Allah tidak membedakan orang (Kisah Para Rasul 10:34)

Perbedaan antara Petrus dan Kornelius bak minyak dengan air. Yang satu orang Yahudi, yang satu orang Romawi (secara sosial politis, posisi mereka berseberangan bahkan bermusuhan). Yang satu orang awam, yang satu centurion (tentara). Dari sisi perhitungan kekuatan: satu lemah, satu kuat karena bersenjata.

Namun, ada satu hal yang menyatukan mereka: keduanya mendapat inspirasi dari Roh Kudus. Petrus mendapat penglihatan "aneh" untuk ukuran ke-Yahudiannya. Sementara Kornelius mendapat pesan untuk mengundang Petrus ke rumahnya, kira-kira tiga jam berselang setelah Petrus mendapatkan visinya yang pertama (ayat 9, 30). Mereka sangat berbeda, tetapi ada "sesuatu" yang lebih besar dari mereka, yang mempertemukan mereka sehingga keduanya saling meneguhkan. Kisah Kornelius membuat Petrus mengerti maksud dari visi "aneh" yang ia lihat. Penjelasan teologis Petrus membuat Kornelius memahami karya Allah dalam hidup, kematian dan, kebangkitan Yesus.

Roh Kudus bekerja melalui perbedaan untuk memperkaya wawasan rohani anak-anak Tuhan. Itu sebabnya Petrus berkata, "Sesungguhnya aku telah mengerti bahwa Allah tidak membedakan orang. Setiap orang dari bangsa mana pun yang takut akan Dia dan yang mengamalkan kebenaran berkenan kepada-Nya" (34-35). Barangkali kita tengah bekerja sama dengan orang atau pihak lain yang sama sekali berbeda jenis dan gaya pelayanan. Masing-masing unik. Tak perlu risau. Melalui karya Roh Kudus, Tuhan dapat mempertemukan pengalaman setiap orang yang berlainan untuk saling meneguhkan, juga saling memperkaya pengalaman rohani --DKL


Sumber : Renungan Harian


MATERIALISME (Kejadian 13:1-13; 14:11-12)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Juga Lot, anak saudara Abram, beserta harta bendanya, dibawa musuh, lalu mereka pergi sebab Lot itu diam di Sodom (Kejadian 14:12)

Xiao Zheng ingin sekali memiliki iPad2, komputer tablet canggih, tetapi tidak punya uang. Suatu ketika, remaja China ini membaca iklan online yang menawarkan uang 29 juta rupiah bagi orang yang mau mendonorkan ginjalnya. Tanpa pikir panjang, Xiao Zheng menjual ginjalnya. Setelah dioperasi di rumah sakit, uang yang diperoleh ia habiskan untuk membeli iPad2, notebook, dan iPhone. Demi memiliki gadget dengan usia pakai hanya 5 tahun, ia korbankan organ tubuh yang diperlukan untuk hidup puluhan tahun!

Inilah jebakan materialisme. Ketika materi dianggap sebagai hal yang terpenting, orang diperhamba olehnya. Apa pun dan siapa pun bisa dikorbankan demi mendapatkannya. Lot contohnya. Ia tahu Sodom bukan tempat tinggal yang ideal. Penduduknya "sangat jahat dan berdosa terhadap Tuhan" (Kejadian 13:12). Namun, lokasinya yang berada di lembah subur menjanjikan kemakmuran dan kesuksesan. Lot pun terpikat. Walau sudah kaya, ia ingin menjadi lebih kaya. Maka, ia memilih tinggal di Sodom. Istri dan anaknya dikorbankan untuk tinggal di lingkungan yang buruk. Hasilnya? Kehancuran. Suatu hari, musuh menyerang. Dalam sekejap harta bendanya lenyap. Keluarganya pun ditawan musuh: menghadapi penyiksaan, penjara, dan kematian! Untung Abram datang menolong. Abram walau kaya raya, hidup dalam ketaatan pada Tuhan dan kasih kepada sesama.

Tamak akan harta bisa mendorong kita melakukan apa yang salah. Atau, pergi ke tempat yang tidak seharusnya. Materialisme menawan dan memperhamba. Jangan biarkan ia bersarang dalam hati dan pikiran Anda! --JTI


Sumber : Renungan Harian


Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Dari Paulus, seorang tahanan karena Kristus Yesus .... Kepada Filemon yang terkasih, teman sekerja kami (Filemon 1:1)

Lie Tjiu Kie berusia 94 tahun. Meski sudah berusia lanjut dan harus duduk di kursi roda, ia terus melayani Tuhan dan menjadi berkat. Setiap hari ia berdoa bagi keluarga dan saudara-saudaranya yang belum percaya. Bahkan ketika ia sakit dan banyak dikunjungi, ia memakai kesempatan itu untuk mengajak saudara-saudaranya yang belum percaya untuk beriman kepada Kristus. Salah satunya, beberapa tahun lalu beliau meminta orangtua saya datang beribadah ke gereja. Hasilnya, orangtua saya sungguh-sungguh mau datang ke gereja untuk kali pertama, tepat ketika saya bernyanyi di paduan suara pada perayaan Natal.

Keadaan lemah dan terpenjara tak membuat Paulus berhenti mengabarkan Injil dan melayani Tuhan. Justru dalam keadaan demikian ia bisa banyak menulis, salah satunya menulis kitab Filemon. Dan melakukan pelayanan yang berarti, khususnya bagi Onesimus. Ya, di kitab ini kita membaca tentang Onesimus budak Filemon yang melarikan diri. Ketika Onesimus bertemu Paulus kemungkinan besar di penjara ia mendengar Injil dari Paulus dan menjadi orang percaya. Dari situ, Paulus menulis surat kepada Filemon agar menerima kembali Onesimus, bukan sebagai budak, melainkan sebagai saudara seiman.

Saat ini mungkin kita merasa terbelenggu dengan keadaan: kelemahan tubuh; usia senja yang membuat kita tak lagi leluasa bergerak; atau kesibukan pekerjaan. Apakah keterbatasan-keterbatasan ini menghalangi kita untuk melayani Tuhan? Atau justru memacu kita untuk bangkit dan kreatif mencari cara, sehingga di tengah kelemahan pun kita tetap dapat bersaksi tentang Tuhan? --VT


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Monday, October 17, 2011


KARENA IMAN (Yosua 6:2-5)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Karena iman, runtuhlah tembok-tembok Yerikho, setelah kota itu dikelilingi tujuh hari lamanya (Ibrani 11:30)

Alkitab kerap menegaskan kepada pembacanya bahwa jalan-jalan Allah "sungguh tak terselami" (Roma 11:33) oleh pikiran manusia. Kisah kejatuhan Yerikho (Yosua 6:2-5) adalah satu contohnya. Mengapa Allah tidak langsung saja meruntuhkan tembok kota itu dengan kekuatan-Nya yang dahsyat? Mengapa harus disuruh-Nya orang Israel mengelilingi kota itu sampai tujuh hari? Apa sulitnya Allah meruntuhkan Yerikho setelah dikelilingi bangsa Israel dalam satu hari saja?

Sebagai jawabannya, Ibrani 11:30 menyatakan bahwa waktu tujuh hari itu bersangkut paut dengan iman orang Israel. Artinya, Allah memang berkuasa menumbangkan Yerikho secepat Dia mau, tetapi Dia memutuskan untuk memberi jangka waktu yang agak panjang untuk melatih iman umat-Nya. Jadi, setiap kali orang Israel berjalan keliling dalam tujuh hari itu, tembok-tembok Yerikho yang masih berdiri kokoh menantang iman mereka: Benarkah Allah akan merobohkannya? Syukurlah mereka bersabar dan tidak undur. Tembok-tembok tebal akhirnya runtuh dan penulis Ibrani di kemudian hari dapat bersaksi bahwa itu terjadi "karena iman".

Saat ini, barangkali Allah tengah membuat Anda melewati waktu yang panjang untuk mencapai sebuah sasaran. Anda yakin Allah ingin Anda mencapai hal itu, tetapi Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda harus melalui waktu yang demikian panjang. Kuatkan hati dengan becermin pada pengalaman bangsa Israel di Yerikho. Allah ingin Anda bersabar, berketetapan hati, dan tidak undur. Bertekunlah, agar pada waktu-Nya, Anda berhasil mencapai sasaran itu "karena iman" --SAT


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


APAKAH YANG UTAMA? (Filipi 2:1-11)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Berikanlah kami pada hari ini makanan kami yang secukupnya ... (Matius 6:11)

At. Mosphere Restaurant adalah restoran tertinggi di dunia karena berada di lantai 122 Burj Khalifa, Dubai (gedung tertinggi dunia dengan ketinggian 800 meter). Menu yang ditawarkan adalah makanan Eropa. Dan, para tamu disarankan memesan sebelumnya, agar pihak restoran bisa menghadirkan pengalaman khusus, yang membuat orang datang kembali. Ya, bagi orang-orang kaya baik di negara kaya, berkembang, maupun miskin makan bukan lagi masalah mengisi perut dengan makanan sehat, tetapi mencari kepuasan dengan makanan bergengsi. Harga tidak menjadi soal.

Saat ini, sebagian besar penduduk dunia masih bergumul dengan "makan apa hari ini". Sedangkan kelas menengah bergumul "makan di mana hari ini". Namun, orang kaya yang hanya 20%, tetapi menguasai 80% kekayaan dunia kerap bergumul "makan siapa hari ini". Kenyataan ini menunjukkan, betapa pentingnya setiap manusia mengalami kebesaran kasih Allah di dalam Kristus (Yohanes 3:16). Agar mereka mengalami hidup yang baru. Yakni hidup yang tidak berpusatkan kepada diri sendiri, tetapi berpusat kepada Allah dan memikirkan kepentingan orang lain juga (Filipi 2:4). Seperti Kristus, yang rela mengesampingkan kepentingan-Nya sendiri, bahkan mengambil rupa manusia dan menjadi hamba. Agar oleh pengurbanan-Nya, Dia dapat memberi hidup baru bagi setiap orang yang mau menerima-Nya dan hidup bagi Allah (1:27-29; 2:5-11).

Mari kita periksa nafsu makan dan semua nafsu hidup kita hari ini; apakah itu untuk memuaskan kedagingan kita atau untuk memuliakan Bapa di surga --SST


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Friday, October 07, 2011

Just Do It

Do It Yourself (Mark 6:30-44)

[Jesus] answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” —Mark 6:37

You give them something to eat.” —Mark 6:37

You give them something to eat” (Mark 6:37). It’s easy to miss those words from Jesus. A huge crowd had gathered to hear Him. Late in the day, the disciples got nervous and started pressing Him to send them away (v.36). “You give them something to eat,” Jesus replied (v.37).

Why would He say that? John 6:6 says He was testing them. Did He want to see if they would trust Him to perform a miracle? Maybe, but it seems more likely He wanted His disciples involved in caring for the crowd, to be hands-on in working with and for Him. He then blessed what they brought to Him—five loaves of bread and two fish—and performed the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000.

I think Jesus uses those words with us too. A need pre-sents itself in the lives of those around us, and we bring it to Jesus in prayer. “You do something,” Jesus often says. “But, Lord,” we object, “we don’t have enough time or money or energy.” We’re wrong, of course. When Jesus asks us to get involved, He already knows how He will accomplish His work through us.

What we need is faith and vision—the ability to see that God wants us to be His instruments, and that He will supply what we need. —Randy Kilgore

God uses us as instruments
To help someone in need,
So we must trust Him to supply
When following His lead. —Sper

When God says do it, He’s already planned the resources we need to accomplish the task.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Teaching The Word

A FIRM Foundation (Deuteronomy 6:1-9)

These words which I command you . . . you shall teach them diligently to your children. —Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Before she was 2 years old, my granddaughter Katie did something that would make any grandpa proud: She began to recognize cars by make and year. This all started when she and her daddy began spending time together playing with his old collection of toy cars. Daddy would say, “Katie, get the 1957 Chevy,” and she would pick it out of the hundreds of tiny cars. And once, while he was reading a Curious George book to her, she climbed down from his lap and ran to get a miniature Rolls Royce—an exact replica of the car pictured in the book.

If a 2-year-old child can make such connections, doesn’t that show the importance of teaching children the right things early on? We can do this by using what I call the FIRM principle: Familiarity, Interest, Recognition, and Modeling. This follows Moses’ pattern in Deuteronomy 6 of taking every opportunity to teach biblical truths so that children become familiar with them and make them a part of their lives. Using their interests as teaching opportunities, we repeat Bible stories so they become recognizable, while modeling a godly life before them.

Let’s give the children in our lives a FIRM foundation by teaching them about God’s love, Christ’s salvation, and the importance of godly living. —Dave Branon

O give us homes built firm upon the Savior,
Where Christ is Head and Counselor and Guide,
Where every child is taught His love and favor
And gives his heart to Christ, the crucified. —Hart

Build your children’s lives on the firm foundation of the Word.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Saturday, October 01, 2011


Get Involved (John 4:7-26)

But [Jesus] needed to go through Samaria. —John 4:4

Norena’s South Florida home was severely damaged during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. She received an insurance settlement, and the repair work began. But the contractors left when the money ran out, leaving an unfinished home with no electricity. For 15 years, Norena got by with a tiny refrigerator and a few lamps connected to extension cords. Surprisingly, her neighbors didn’t seem to notice her dilemma. Then, acting on a tip, the mayor got involved and contacted an electrical contractor who restored power to her house within a few hours.

When Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), He got involved in her life and talked to her about her need for spiritual power. He established common ground with her (water, v.7) and piqued her spiritual interest and curiosity (vv.9-14). He was gracious and sensitive as He confronted her sin (vv.16-19) and kept the conversation centered on the main issue (vv.21-24). Then He confronted her directly with who He was as Messiah (v.26). As a result, she and many other Samaritans believed in Him (vv.39-42).

Let’s get involved in the lives of others and tell them about Jesus. He is the only source of spiritual power and satisfies our deepest longings. —Marvin Williams

Help me to see the tragic plight
Of souls far off in sin;
Help me to love, to pray, and go
To bring the wandering in. —Harrison

A faith worth having is a faith worth sharing.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Being Called

Called From (Genesis 12:1-9)

The Lord had said to Abram, “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” —Genesis 12:1

One of the smartest people I know is a college friend who became a Christian while studying at a state university. He graduated with honors and went on to study at a respected seminary. He served a small church as pastor for several years and then accepted a call to another small church far from family and friends. After 12 years at that church, he sensed that the congregation needed new leadership, so he stepped down. He hadn’t been offered a job at a bigger church or a teaching position at a college or seminary. In fact, he didn’t even have another job. He just knew that God was leading him in a different direction, so he followed.

When we discussed it, my friend said, “A lot of people talk about being called to something, but I don’t hear much about being called from something.”

In many ways, my friend’s obedience was like that of Israel’s patriarch Abraham, who went out, not knowing where God was leading (Heb. 11:8-10). Difficulties like famine (Gen. 12:10), fear (vv.11-20), and family disputes (13:8) gave reason for doubt, but Abraham persevered and because of his faith God counted him as righteous (Gal. 3:6).

A life of obedience may not be easy, but it will be blessed (Luke 11:28). —Julie Ackerman Link

As Abraham went out,
Not knowing where he was going;
Now, Lord, keep me from doubt,
To go the way You are showing. —Hess

You don’t need to know where you’re going if you know God is leading.

Source : Our Daily Bread

God’s Plan

Why Not Now? (John 13:33-38)

David, after he had served his own generation . . . fell asleep. —Acts 13:36

I have a dear friend who served as a missionary in Suriname for many years, but in his final years he was stricken with an illness that paralyzed him. At times he wondered why God allowed him to linger. He longed to depart and to be with his Lord.

Perhaps life is very hard for you or a loved one, and you are wondering why God has allowed you or your loved one to linger. When Jesus said He was going to heaven, Peter asked, “Lord, why can I not follow You now?” (John 13:37). You, like Peter, may wonder why entry into heaven has been postponed: “Why not now?”

God has a wise and loving purpose in leaving us behind. There is work to be done in us that can only be accomplished here on earth. Our afflictions, which are for the moment, are working for us “a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17). And there is work to be done for others—if only to love and to pray. Our presence may also be for the purpose of giving others an opportunity to learn love and compassion.

So, though you may desire release for yourself or a loved one, to live on in the flesh can mean fruitfulness (Phil. 1:21). And there is comfort in waiting: Though heaven may be delayed, God has His reasons. No doubt about it! —David Roper

Not so in haste, my heart!
Have faith in God, and wait;
Although He seems to linger long
He never comes too late. —Torrey

Our greatest comfort is to know that God is in control.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Not Known

Behind The Scenes (Matthew 6:1-6,16-18)

Your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. —Matthew 6:6

Recently I attended a memorial service for a gifted musician whose life had touched many people. The tribute to this Christian woman included video and audio clips, photos, instrumentalists, and speakers. After everyone had left the church, I stopped to thank the technicians whose flawless work at the control board had contributed so much to this moving tribute. “No one noticed what you did,” I told them. “That’s the way we like it,” they replied.

In Matthew 6, Jesus told His disciples to give (vv.1-4), pray (vv.5-6), and fast (vv.16-18) in order to please God, not to gain praise from people. “When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place” (v.6). Whether giving, praying, or fasting, Jesus said, “Your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (vv.4,6,18).

Something within us makes us want to be seen and recognized for our good deeds. While there’s nothing wrong with encouragement and appreciation, a desire for praise can undermine our service because it shifts the focus from others to ourselves. When there is no public “thank you,” we may feel slighted. But even when we serve God in secret, He sees it all. —David McCasland

The service that we do for God
May go unpraised by men;
But when we stand before the Lord,
He will reward us then. —Sper

Source : Our Daily Bread


A Child’s Potential (Proverbs 22:1-6)

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. —Proverbs 22:6

Louis Armstrong was well known for his smiling face, raspy voice, white handkerchief, and virtuoso trumpet playing. Yet his childhood was one of want and pain. He was abandoned by his father as an infant and sent to reform school when he was only 12. Surprisingly, this became a positive turning point.

Music professor Peter Davis regularly visited the school and provided musical training for the boys. Soon Louis excelled on the cornet and became the leader of the boys’ band. His life trajectory seemed to have been reset to become a world-famous trumpet player and entertainer.

Louis’ story can be an example for Christian parents. The proverb: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) can apply to more than the spiritual and moral aspects of our children’s lives. We should also realize that a child’s giftedness will often determine his or her area of interest. In the case of Louis, a little training in music resulted in a virtuoso trumpet player.

As we lovingly provide to our children godly instruction from God’s Word, we should encourage them in their interests and giftedness so that they might become all that God has planned for them to be. —Dennis Fisher

Our children are a gift from God
On loan from heaven above,
To train and nourish in the Lord,
And guide them with His love. —Sper

Save a child, save a life.

Source : Our Daily Bread

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