Friday, May 27, 2011


Our Fruit We May Not See
Author: Tom Moore

A young woman, who was a great lover of flowers, had set out a rare vine at the base of a stone wall … It grew vigorously, but it did not bloom. Day after day she cultivated it, watered it, and tried in every way to coax it to bloom.

One morning, as she stood disappointedly before it, her invalid neighbor, whose back lot adjoined her own, called over and said, "You can't imagine how much I have been enjoying the blooms of that vine you planted!" The owner looked, and on the other side of the wall was a mass of blooms. The vine had crept through the crevices and flowered luxuriantly on the other side.

THOUGHT: So often we think our efforts are thrown away because we do not see their fruits. We need to learn that in God's service our prayers, our toil, and our crosses are never in vain. Somewhere they bear fruit and hearts will receive blessings and joy.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” -Proverbs 11:30 

Source : Sherry's Inspirational

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


MALAIKAT (Mazmur 91:9-16)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Malaikat Tuhan berkemah di sekeliling orang-orang yang takut akan Dia, lalu meluputkan mereka (Mazmur 34:8)

Beberapa tahun silam, ketika saya dan istri membawa putra kami berobat, pencuri masuk ke rumah kami. Laptop saya dicuri. Namun, saya tidak begitu sedih bahkan saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan. Sebab hanya laptop yang dicuri, sementara putri kami yang saat itu ada di rumah bersama pengasuhnya tidak mengalami kejadian buruk apa pun. Padahal si pencuri sempat ke kamarnya, sebab terlihat sidik jari si pencuri di tirai jendela. Puji Tuhan, saat itu putri kami sedang tidak di kamar. Tak seperti biasa, ia terus bermain di lantai bawah sampai kami pulang. Kala si pencuri beroperasi, seperti ada yang "menahannya" untuk tidak ke loteng dan masuk ke kamar.

Mazmur 91 adalah sebuah madah kepercayaan, tentang perlindungan Tuhan bagi orang yang "hatinya melekat kepada-Ku" (ayat 14). Dan, perlindungan itu dipercayakan Tuhan kepada para utusan yang dinamai: malaikat (ayat 11). Malaikatlah yang melindungi Sadrakh, Mesakh, dan Abednego di perapian yang menyala-nyala (Daniel 3:23-25). Para malaikatlah yang membentengi Elisa di Dotan (2 Raja-raja 6:13-17). Malaikatlah yang menjumpai Yosua menjelang penaklukan atas Yerikho (Yosua 5:13-15). Malaikat pulalah yang membebaskan Petrus dari penjara (Kisah Para Rasul 12:7-10).

Kita semua bertanggung jawab menjaga diri sendiri. Akan tetapi, ada kalanya kita tak mampu melakukannya sendiri. Pada saat seperti itu, tak jarang Tuhan menghadirkan "penjaga" yang diutus untuk menolong kita. Setelah saat kritis lewat, ia pergi. Kehidupan berlanjut. Kita pun kembali bertanggung jawab menjaga diri. Anda punya pengalaman serupa kisah saya di atas? Saya yakin, "penjaga" itu adalah malaikat-Nya! --PAD


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Artikel yang berhubungan :
Kisah Tentang Pertolongan Malaikat
Malaikat Dikirim Menolong Kami
Mengenal Malaikat

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anger Problem

Ike’s Anger Problem (Proverbs 16:21-33)

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty. —Proverbs 16:32

On June 6, 1944, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, was the most powerful man on earth. Under his authority, the largest amphibious army ever assembled prepared to liberate the Nazi-dominated continent of Europe. How was Eisenhower able to lead such a vast army? Part of the answer can be linked to his remarkable skill in working with different kinds of people.

What many do not know, however, is that Ike hadn’t always gotten along with others. As a boy, he often got into fistfights at school. But fortunately he had a caring mother who instructed him in God’s Word. One time, when she was bandaging his hands after an angry outburst, she quoted Proverbs 16:32, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” Years later, Eisenhower wrote, “I have always looked back on that conversation as one of the most valuable moments of my life.” Undoubtedly, by learning to control his anger, Eisenhower was able to work effectively with others.

Inevitably, each of us will at times be tempted to lash out in anger. Yet through God’s work in our lives we can learn to control our anger. What better way to influence people than through a gentle spirit. —Dennis Fisher

Thinking It Over
Do you struggle to control your anger? For help, read Moses: His Anger And What It Cost Him at discoveryseries

He who conquers his anger conquers a strong enemy.

Source : Our Daily Bread


DIANGGAP BAIK (Yeremia 24)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Orang-orang yang telah Kubiarkan diangkut ke Babel itu Kuanggap seperti buah ara yang bagus-bagus ini; karena itu Aku, Tuhan, Allah Israel, akan memperlakukan mereka dengan baik (Yeremia 24:5, BIS)

Penelitian selama 25 tahun di Universitas Tel Aviv mendapati bahwa kinerja seseorang sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengharapan orang lain atas kinerjanya. Dalam satu percobaan, manajer sebuah kantor cabang bank dibagi dua. Kelompok A diberi tahu bahwa karyawan mereka luar biasa; kelompok B tidak diberi tahu apa-apa tentang potensi karyawan mereka. Sebenarnya potensi kedua kelompok karyawan itu sama. Nyatanya, manajer kelompok A membuahkan hasil yang lebih bagus, baik dari laba maupun kesuksesan ekonomis secara menyeluruh. Hal serupa ditemukan juga di sekolah, kalangan militer, dan berbagai badan sosial lain.

Pengharapan yang baik mengandung daya ubah yang luar biasa. Prinsip itu bersumber dari Allah sendiri, seperti yang dapat kita pelajari ketika Dia "mengubah" bangsa Israel yang dibuang ke Babel. Pertama, Dia "menganggap" mereka seperti buah ara yang bagus (ayat 5). Mereka tidak baik, tetapi Dia menganggap mereka baik dan memperlakukan mereka dengan baik (bandingkan dengan Roma 4:5). Sesudah itu, Dia "memberi mereka suatu hati untuk mengenal Aku" (ayat 7). Dia mengubahkan hati mereka sehingga mereka menjadi umat Allah yang sungguh-sungguh. Bukankah itu anugerah pembenaran dan kelahiran kembali?

Lalu, bagaimana menerapkannya secara horisontal? Kita ingin anak, murid, karyawan, dan tetangga kita semua baik, tetapi bisa jadi mereka menjengkelkan. Maukah kita lebih dulu mengasihi mereka, mengharapkan yang terbaik dari mereka (1 Korintus 13:5), menganggap mereka baik, dan memperlakukan mereka dengan baik? --ARS


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Kasih Allah

AYAH TERHEBAT (Ulangan 7:1-11)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Tuhan, Allahmu, Dialah Allah, Allah yang setia, yang memegang perjanjian dan kasih setia-Nya (Ulangan 7:9)

Dick dan Rick Hoyt adalah ayah dan anak yang mengagumkan. Rick Hoyt adalah penyandang cacat cerebral palsy tak dapat berbicara atau berjalan. Namun ketika ia berkeinginan untuk ikut triatlon, Dick ayahnya rela berlari mendorong kereta beserta Rick di atasnya, berenang melintasi samudra sambil menarik perahu dengan Rick di dalamnya, dan mengayuh sepeda tandem dengan Rick di bagian depan. Dick susah-payah melakukannya bukan untuk menjadi pemenang, melainkan untuk menunjukkan cintanya yang besar kepada putranya. Walau Rick memiliki keterbatasan, sang ayah tak membatasi kasihnya.

Dalam bacaan hari ini kita juga diingatkan akan kasih Allah yang besar kepada bangsa Israel, bangsa yang dipilih Tuhan untuk menjadi umat kesayangan-Nya. Bukan karena kehebatan maupun jumlahnya, melainkan semata-mata karena Allah mengasihi bangsa yang kerap bertegar tengkuk ini. Dia menuntun mereka keluar dari tanah Mesir, menolong mereka menaklukkan setiap musuh, dan memelihara mereka secara ajaib dari hari ke hari, sampai mereka masuk ke tanah perjanjian.

Siapakah kita ini sehingga Allah begitu mengasihi kita tanpa memandang dosa kita sebagai cacat? Bahkan, dalam keadaan kita yang berdosa pun, Dia menunjukkan kasih-Nya yang terbesar dengan mengurbankan Putra-Nya untuk mengangkat kita dari kubangan dosa dan memberi kita hidup berkemenangan. Dia sungguh adalah Ayah terhebat yang mau memberi segala yang terbaik bagi kita. Apabila begitu besar kasih dari Ayah terhebat kita itu, adakah kita perlu merasa gentar menjalani hidup ini? --SR


Sumber : Renungan Harian

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blessings In Tribulation

More Than A Pay Check
By Irene Budzynski

My husband had lost his job the week before and we were in shock, unable to clearly assess the financial damage. With three sons to raise, I was also a new nursing school student, so my mind was focused on studies and keeping a tight schedule.

Then began the night which turned our lives upside down, I drove to the school where my 12 year old son was finishing swim team practice. Pulling up to the driveway, flashing lights on an emergency vehicle signaled that there was a problem. Waving her arms wildly, a woman shouted to me, "There's been an accident. Your son needs you."

Cooling down after practice, Daniel had taken one last dive and his neck had struck the bottom of the concrete pool. Now he was being strapped onto a board, his neck in a brace, paramedics readying him for the ambulance ride to the hospital. Our son had sustained damage to C-3, C-4, and C-5 vertebrae of his spine. Two fusion operations followed and the surgeon was successful in preventing paralysis, but we were overwhelmed! Months had passed, unemployment was still our companion, and we needed to make a decision.

Daniel would be recuperating at home for months. If I left school my loans would have to be repaid, immediately increasing our debt. If my husband stayed with him I could continue my studies as well as work at three part time jobs to offset some of the staggering bills. We opted for the latter, and the blessings followed. Our headstrong son and his impatient father developed an unshakeable bond which had eluded them in the years of "making a living." My husband learned how to wash the hair of a child who wore a neck brace, cooked meals, and helped Daniel with his studies.

Daniel 's behavior changed as he was forced to become dependent, and he learned to discuss problems without the inevitable argument. Father and son cemented their relationship with mutual respect and love.

Our financial situation was scary, but the overwhelming goodness of friends and strangers prevailed. When there was no wood to heat the house, a cord of oak for the woodstove appeared on our driveway the next day. Groceries were delivered, and we became innovative in "making do" with what we had. At the end of a long winter, my husband found a job. We had spent every available dollar and there wasn't enough food to last the week. As we had throughout the period of trial and tribulation, we thanked God for His goodness, knowing He wouldn't abandon us.

The mail that day included a check for $100. Attached was a note stating, "I wrote this check to you several months ago, but put it into a book by mistake. It fell out of the book when I was dusting the shelf and I had the feeling that you might be needing it. God bless you."

Yes, He did indeed bless us in the form of all the good people who had come into our life. Unemployment gave my husband the time to care for his beloved child, a time when he was able to become the father which he so dearly wanted to be.

Source : Biblepraise

Steve Popoola was born in London but currently reside in Lagos, Nigeria with his wife Maris and two children, Praise and Stephanie. He works in a bank as a Systems administrator. Formerly an active singer, he still sings occasionally and speaks at invited forums. He is the editor of an online newsletter, The Biblepraise Newsletter. To subscribe, send blank email to Biblepraise. He can be reached through His email address

“For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.” -1 Samuel 12:22 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Balok Di Mata

BALOK DI MATAMU (Matius 7:1-5)
Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

... engkau melihat serpihan kayu di mata saudaramu, sedangkan balok di dalam matamu tidak engkau ketahui (Matius 7:3)

Seorang buta dan seorang juling sedang bertengkar. "Ayo kita berkelahi di lapangan, siapa menang, dia yang benar, " kata si buta. Si juling menjawab, "Siapa takut?" Ketika mereka sampai di lapangan, si buta berteriak: "Hei pengecut, jangan sembunyi di tempat gelap, hadapi aku." Tapi si juling segera menyahut, "Kau yang pengecut, kenapa kau membawa teman? Kalau kau lelaki sejati, majulah satu lawan satu." Padahal, tidak ada orang lain kecuali mereka berdua. Si buta menganggap si juling bersembunyi, sedang si juling melihat seolah-olah ada dua lawan di hadapannya, padahal tidak.

Dalam kehidupan, kita bisa mengalami dan menyaksikan hal konyol semacam ini. Orang munafik bisa selalu menemukan kelemahan dan ketidakberesan orang lain. Sedangkan kesalahan dan kedegilan hatinya sendiri yang lebih besar tak mampu dikenalinya. Kita akan merasa tidak nyaman jika dekat dengan orang seperti ini. Sebab ia bisa menemukan hal-hal yang dianggapnya tidak beres, tetapi tidak mampu dan tidak mau mengakui kelemahannya sendiri. Bagaimana menghadapi orang seperti ini? Apakah dengan menjauhinya, sebab mengurus orang seperti ini hanya menguras energi?

Stop, jangan tergesa bertindak demikian. Sebab, jangan-jangan kita sendiri orang munafik itu. Perhatikan ayat 5, "Hai orang munafik, keluarkanlah dahulu balok dari matamu, maka engkau akan melihat dengan jelas untuk mengeluarkan serpihan kayu itu dari mata saudaramu." Artinya, setelah memeriksa diri sendiri, barulah kita dimampukan menolong orang lain yang punya kesalahan, sebagai saudara. Caranya? Dengan kasih, dan tidak menghakimi --SST



Dikirim oleh : Evi Sjiane Djiun

Tetapi ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata mereka, sehingga mereka tidak dapat mengenal Dia (Lukas 24:16)

Tuhan Yesus sudah bangkit. Namun, sikap para murid beragam; ada yang percaya, ada yang ragu-ragu, ada juga yang masih bingung dan tidak percaya. Lalu di jalan yang menuju ke Emaus itu, Tuhan Yesus menampakkan diri lagi. Kali ini kepada dua orang murid, yang rupanya tidak termasuk ke dalam dua belas murid yang pertama. Anehnya, kedua murid itu tidak mengenali Dia. Padahal sudah sekian lama mereka bersama-Nya. Dikatakan, "Tetapi ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata mereka" (ayat 16).

Dalam hidup kita sebagai orang percaya, bukankah kita pun kerap mengalami hal serupa ketika kita kehilangan kepekaan akan kehadiran Tuhan Yesus? Seolah-olah ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata iman kita. Sesuatu itu bisa berupa pikiran negatif; seperti kekhawatiran, kekecewaan, kemarahan, kebencian, atau berupa ambisi-ambisi yang tidak pada tempatnya.

Akibatnya, hidup beriman kita jadi terganggu. Kita merasa hampa. Tuhan seakan-akan sangat jauh. Kita juga menjadi sulit bersyukur dan tidak bisa lagi menikmati hidup ini sebagai anugerah Allah. Lalu bagaimana? Para murid akhirnya menyadari kehadiran Tuhan Yesus, setelah mereka mengundang Dia untuk tinggal bersama mereka (ayat 29).

Adakah kita merasa hidup ini begitu muram, Tuhan seolah-olah jauh dari hidup kita? Tidak ada cara lain, bukalah pintu hati kita buat Dia. Undang Dia masuk ke dalam hidup kita, dan persilakan Dia menjadi pandu atas seluruh langkah kita. Ketika itulah mata iman kita akan dicelikkan, betapa sesungguhnya Dia tidak pernah jauh dari kita --AYA



Dipromosikan Oleh Tuhan
Dikirim oleh : Fransisca Adella Kipuw

Dalam dunia pekerjaan, tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan dari pada sebuah promosi yang diberikan oleh atasan Anda. Ketika bos Anda berkata,"Saya percaya dengan kemampuan kamu, dan kamu sudah melakukan pekerjaan kamu dengan baik. Saya melihat sebuah potensi dalam diri kamu, untuk itu saya akan mempromosikan kamu," pasti perasaan Anda akan sangat senang bukan.

Kabar baiknya, Anda hari ini sedang di promosikan. Anda sedang dipromosikan oleh Tuhan, Tuan atas kehidupan Anda. Dia ingin Anda naik ke sebuah level yang lebih tinggi dalam kehidupan sehingga bisa menikmati lebih lagi berkat sukacita, produktifitas, dan kepenuhan dari-Nya.

Saya ingin membantu Anda untuk mempersiapkan diri menaiki level baru kehidupan Anda. Berikut beberapa kunci prinsip Alkitab yang akan membawa Anda mencapai promosi dari Tuhan.

Berimanlah bahwa Tuhan akan membantu Anda bertumbuh dalam segala situasi

Seringkali kita menghadapi sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan atau tidak kita sukai, namun sadarilah kadang hal tersebut hanyalah ujian iman bagi Anda. Dalam hal ini, saya ingin Anda sadar bahwa Tuhan ingin melihat sikap hati yang benar dari diri Anda. Dalam keadaan sulit Anda saat ini, saya ingin menyemangati Anda tetap beriman pada Tuhan. Selama Anda tetap setia, pada waktuNya, Dia akan mengubah segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi Anda dan untuk menyatakan kemuliaanNya.

Salah satu yang perlu Anda ingat adalah jika sudah waktunya Tuhan, tidak seorang manusiapun dapat menghentikannya. Tidak ada sebuah situasi yang bisa menahan Anda. Jika sudah waktunya Tuhan, maka hal itu akan terjadi, "Jadilah kepadamu menurut imanmu." (Matius 9:29).

Hiduplah dengan hati yang lembut dan sikap mau diajar

Jika Anda ingin dipromosikan, maka sangat penting memiliki sikap yang mau diajar. Kita harus selalu berkeinginan untuk belajar. Terbuka untuk ide baru dan cara baru untuk melakukan sesuatu. Jika orang lain mengkritik Anda, jangan menolaknya. Jadikan hal itu kesempatan untuk Anda mengevaluasi diri dan motivasi diri Anda untuk terus bertumbuh serta menjadi lebih baik.

Bagian utama menjadi pribadi yang mau diajar adalah kerendahan hati, terutama kepada orang yang Tuhan tempatkan menjadi otoritas Anda. Hati yang lemah lembut dan sikap mau diajar akan membuat orang berkata, Tuhan, saya tidak tahu benar akan hal ini atau setuju dengan hal ini, tapi aku akan tetap mengikuti apa yang Engkau mau." Dengan sikap ini, Anda melewati ujian dan menempatkan diri Anda sebagai seseorang yang siap untuk Tuhan promosikan. "Karena itu rendahkanlah dirimu di bawah tangan Tuhan yang kuat, supaya kamu ditinggikan-Nya pada waktunya." (I Petrus 5:6).

Layanilah orang lain dan jadilah berkat

Ketika seseorang sedang berada dalam kesulitan, kecenderungan manusia menjadi fokus pada masalahnya dan dirinya sendiri. Namun hal itu membuat Anda kehilangan sukacita dan semangat. Buat setiap hari Anda sebagai sebuah kesempatan untuk melakukan kebaikan dan membuat perbedaan dalam kehidupan orang lain.

Setiap kali Anda bangun pagi, tanyakan pada diri Anda sendiri, "Bagaimana saya bisa memberkati orang lain hari ini?" Jika Anda memberi waktu untuk memperhatikan apa yang dibutuhkan orang lain, maka Tuhan akan memperhatikan kebutuhan Anda. Mari kita lihat pribadi Yesus, Dia datang sebagai Tuhan namun tidak meminta semua orang untuk melayaninya. "Karena Anak Manusia juga datang bukan untuk dilayani, melainkan untuk melayani dan untuk memberikan nyawa-Nya menjadi tebusan bagi banyak orang." (Markus 10:45). Milikilah gaya hidup memberi, Tuhan akan mempromosikan seorang yang murah hati.

Tuhan sudah mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik bagi Anda, dan Anda hanya akan menerimanya ketika dilihat olehNya bahwa Anda telah siap untuk menerimanya. Jadi, hiduplah sesuai dengan kehendakNya, maka Anda akan lihat bahwa promosi demi promosi akan Tuhan berikan bagi Anda. Selamat menikmati berkat Tuhan.

Sumber : Renungan Harian

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Five-Minute Rule (Psalm 102:1-17)

He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer. —Psalm 102:17

I read about a 5-minute rule that a mother had for her children. They had to be ready for school and gather together 5 minutes before it was time to leave each day.

They would gather around Mom, and she would pray for each one by name, asking for the Lord’s blessing on their day. Then she’d give them a kiss and off they’d run. Even neighborhood kids would be included in the prayer circle if they happened to stop by. One of the children said many years later that she learned from this experience how crucial prayer is to her day.

The writer of Psalm 102 knew the importance of prayer. This psalm is labeled, “A prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed and pours out his complaint before the Lord.” He cried out, “Hear my prayer, O Lord . . . ; in the day that I call, answer me speedily” (vv.1-2). God looks down “from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven [He views] the earth” (v.19).

God cares for you and wants to hear from you. Whether you follow the 5-minute rule asking for blessings on the day, or need to spend more time crying out to Him in deep distress, talk to the Lord each day. Your example may have a big impact on your family or someone close to you. —Anne Cetas

The issue isn’t how much time
We spend with God in prayer,
But seeking Him throughout each day
And knowing that He’s there. —Sper

Prayer is an acknowledgment of our need for God.

Source : Our Daily Bread


What is Your Talent?
Author: Pastor Chuck

“To one he gave five talents [of money], to another two talents and to another one talent, each according to his ability” - Matthew 25:15 NIV

Seems that some people have all the great imagination, and the rest of us have to work hard at it.

Oh, to be like that classic comedian Red Skelton. Or remember the Walt Disney animators — what creativity! One former Disney illustrator is using his talents for Christian videos (his name is Norm McGary). I have a friend — every thing he says seems to be witty. I asked him if he stays up nights thinking about clever sayings. No, he says, it just comes to him. Then there is another friend who at 12 years old played piano with the Buffalo, NY Philharmonic. Yet, she can play contemporary Christian music with the same ease as a Mozart or Beethoven piece. A young woman with a beautiful voice, crystal clear – what a gift. Perfect pitch! Add to all this, the gifted radio preachers (seems like many of them have the first name “Chuck”, too.) What gifts of story telling, profound biblical insights and clear communication skills?

So many gifted people, so many talented, clever and creative. Why does God pick one over the other? How can one rise to the top while others stay in place?
Moses was hand picked by God. When God wanted to send him to do something significant, he had been lollygagging around the desert for 40 years tending sheep – not a real esteem builder by any means. A contemporary of his had risen to power in political circles, making quite a name. But, Moses? Who was he? 40 years, I imagine, leaves you with a bit of a self-image problem. Certainly, he was not like Pharaoh!

It took a couple of interesting "PowerPoint" presentations to get his attention. A burning bush for one! (Exodus 3:4) Then, with tremendous import, God asks the cowering, sniveling sheep - herder, “What’s in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). Watch out when God asks a question like that. No amount of paranoid introspection can eclipse God when he begins to show His power. What you have within your ability, within reach may, like Moses’ staff, become something far more than you give credit for. That ordinary shepherd’s staff, at once like a snake, but ever like a scepter, became significant in the hands of a man moved by God.

Moses’ staff in his hand was nothing to write home about. The burning bush wasn’t the center - piece of the local arboretum. But, God can use whatever is in our hands if there is a burning in our hearts. It’s not about what you can do, but about what God can do. Why hold back just because you feel you are just plain “ordinary.” The only question Moses had to answer was, “Am I willing to be used by God with what I have and what I am?” Too many people waste their time worrying about what they are not, rather than offering themselves to God with who they are.
What about you? Can God do anything significant through you? Well, he can’t if you don’t offer yourself to him with your talents and skills (however small you think they may be). But, if you are willing, then like the boy with the few loaves and fish, God can meet the needs of many through you. All He wants is a willing heart. Does He have yours?
Prayer: Father, here are my talents please use them for your glory. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

OBL Watch: Day 502
Copyright (c) 2003. Pastor Bill. All Rights Reserved
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“Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.” - Matthew 25:28 

Source : Sherry's Inspirational

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

God’s Answers

God’s Answers (Daniel 9:20-27)

While I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel . . . reached me. —Daniel 9:21

Daniel poured out his heart to God (Dan. 9:2). He had read Jeremiah and rediscovered God’s promise that Israel’s captivity in Babylon would last 70 years. So, in an effort to represent his people before God, Daniel fasted and prayed. He pleaded with God not to delay in rescuing His people (v.19).

When we pray, there are things we can know and other things we cannot. For instance, we have the assurance that God will hear our prayer if we know Him as our heavenly Father through faith in Jesus, and we know that His answer will come according to His will. But we don’t know when the answer will come or what it will be.

For Daniel, the answer to his prayer came in miraculous fashion, and it came immediately. While he was praying, the angel Gabriel arrived to provide the answer. But the nature of the answer was as surprising as the quick reply. While Daniel asked God about “70 years,” the answer was about a prophetic “70 weeks of years.” Daniel asked God for an answer about the here and now, but God’s answer had to do with events thousands of years into the future.

Focused as we are with our immediate situation, we may be shocked by God’s answer. Yet we can know that the answer will be for His glory. —Dave Branon

I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know—God answers prayer;
I leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own. —Hickok

God’s answers to our prayers may exceed our expectations.

Source : Our Daily Bread

No More Struggles

No More Struggles (Revealation 21:1-4)

God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. —Revelation 21:4

Fay Weldon went through what she thought was a near-death experience in 2006 when an allergic reaction stopped her heart. She retold her experience to Elizabeth Grice of the London Daily Telegraph. She said that a “terrible creature” tried to pull her through pearly gates, while doctors tried to pull her back. Later, she said, “If that was dying, I don’t want to do it again.” It’s “just more of the same. More struggle.”

Often the process of dying is a struggle. But death itself need not be feared by the believer in Christ—for it will bring us to heaven. In Revelation, John gives a wonderful description of what eternity with God will be like (21:1-4). He sees the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. The city of Jerusalem was a physical sign of the people of God and was described as the place where God dwells (Ps. 76:2). The New Jerusalem, on the other hand, will not be made by human hands. It will be a place where God lives with His people eternally, and it will be a place of “no more”—no more pain, sorrow, and sickness.

We don’t know very much about eternity, but we do know that for the Christian, whatever our emotional and physical struggles are now, they will cease then. Life with God will be better by far. —Marvin Williams

Think of a land of no sorrow,
Think of a land of no fears,
Think of no death and no sickness,
Think of a land of no tears. —Anon.

Heaven’s delights will far outweigh earth’s difficulties.

Source : Our Daily Bread


Still True Today (Acts 17:16-31)

While Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols. —Acts 17:16

The Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland, has an extensive collection of ancient Bible fragments dating back to the second century AD. One fragment on display is a piece of Acts 17:16.

The message that ancient fragment displays, however, is as contemporary as today’s newspaper. It reads, “While Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.” Paul was angered by the proliferation of idols in ancient Athens, and I am convinced he would be upset with us today.

Some idols that we see in today’s world are different than the ones in Paul’s day. Whether it’s wealth, fame, power, athletes, entertainers, or politicians, contemporary idols abound. As always, our spiritual enemy, Satan, seeks to lure us away from the Savior to the false worship of idols. Christians are not immune, and thus we must guard our hearts against self-righteous anger toward unbelievers who seem to worship everything but God.

We must also be drawn by Christ’s love to reach out to those who don’t know Him. Then, like the believers at Thessalonica, they may turn “to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (1 Thess. 1:9). —Bill Crowder

The dearest idol I have known,
Whate’er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne
And worship only Thee. —Cowper

An idol is anything that takes God’s rightful place.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Not Without Hope (Exodus 6:1-13)

I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. —Exodus 6:6

“Sixteen Tons,” written by Merle Travis and recorded by Tennessee Ernie Ford, became one of America’s most popular songs in the mid-1950s. People seemed to identify with this coal miner’s lament about feeling trapped and unable to change his situation no matter how hard he worked. Coal miners often lived in company-owned houses and were paid in “scrip”—coupons valid only at the company-owned store. Even if summoned to heaven, the miner said, he couldn’t go because he owed his soul to the company store.

That sense of hopeless resignation may help us understand the feelings of the Hebrew people during their 400 years of bondage in Egypt. When Moses told them of God’s promise to release them from slavery, they didn’t listen to him “because of anguish of spirit” (Ex. 6:9). They were so far down they couldn’t look up.

But God did something for them that they could not do for themselves. The Lord’s miraculous deliverance of His people foreshadowed His powerful intervention on our behalf through His Son Jesus Christ. It was when “we were powerless to help ourselves that Christ died for sinful men” (Rom. 5:6 PHILLIPS).

When life is at its lowest ebb, we are not without hope because of the wonderful grace of God. —David McCasland

When trouble seeks to rob your very breath,
When tragedy hits hard and steals your days,
Recall that Christ endured the sting of death;
He gives us hope, and merits all our praise. —Gustafson

No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Clear Conscience

A Clear Conscience (1 John 1)

I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men. —Acts 24:16

After Ffyona Campbell became famous as the first woman to walk around the world, her joy was short-lived. Despite the adulation she received, something troubled her. Guilt overtook her and pushed her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

What was bothering her? “I shouldn’t be remembered as the first woman to walk around the world,” she finally admitted. “I cheated.” During her worldwide trek, she broke the guidelines of the Guinness Book of World Records by riding in a truck part of the way. To clear her conscience, she called her sponsor and confessed her deception.

God has given each of us a conscience that brings guilt when we do wrong. In Romans, Paul describes our conscience as “accusing or else excusing [us]” (2:15). For the obedient follower of Christ, care of the conscience is an important way of maintaining a moral compass despite moral imperfection. Confessing sin, turning from it, and making restitution should be a way of life (1 John 1:9; Lev. 6:2-5).

Paul modeled a well-maintained conscience, saying, “I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man” (Acts 24:16 NIV). Through confession and repentance, he kept short accounts with God. Is sin bothering you? Follow Paul’s example. Strive for a clear conscience. —Dennis Fisher

There is a treasure you can own
That’s greater than a crown or throne:
This treasure is a conscience clear
That brings the sweetest peace and cheer. —Isenhour

If God’s Word guides your conscience, let your conscience be your guide.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Watch Eye

The Eye That Never Sleeps (Psalm 121)

In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He heard me. —Psalm 120:1

Detective Allan Pinkerton became famous in the mid-1800s by solving a series of train robberies and foiling a plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln as he traveled to his first inauguration. As one of the first agencies of its kind in the US, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency gained even more prominence because of its logo of a wide-open eye with the caption, “We Never Sleep.”

There is no better feeling than knowing you are protected and secure. You feel peaceful when the doors are locked and all is quiet as you drift off to sleep at night. You feel safe. But many lie awake in their beds with fearful thoughts of the present or dread of the future. Some are afraid of commotion outside or of a spouse who has been violent. Some cannot rest because of worry over a rebellious child. Others are anxiously listening to make sure a seriously ill child is still breathing.

These are the times when our loving God encourages us to cry out to Him, to the One who will neither “slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:4). Psalm 34:15 reminds us that “the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.”

Pinkerton may have been the original “private eye,” but the One who really has the eye that never sleeps is listening to the cries of “the righteous” (Ps. 34:17). —Cindy Hess Kasper

Before you sleep, just gently lay
Every troubled thought away;
Drop your burden and your care
In the quiet arms of prayer. —Anon.

We can sleep in peace when we remember that God is awake.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Monday, May 09, 2011

Giving Example

Looking And Learning (Deut. 11:18-21)

Train up a child in the way he should go. —Proverbs 22:6

As an umpire stood behind the plate at a girls’ softball game, he heard a player’s mother start chanting: “We want a new ump! We want a new ump!” Soon, other parents took up the chant. The ump smiled, then turned toward the crowd and yelled, “I want new parents! I want new parents!” The heckling died away.

It’s important for parents to set a good example, because their children are watching them. Christian parents can encourage good habits and behavior by doing things like:

Praying for and with them—so they learn how to talk with God. “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it” (Col. 4:2).

Reading and teaching them the Bible—so they learn God’s truth. “Teach [God’s commands] diligently to your children, . . . talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deut. 6:7).

Telling them about Jesus—and leading them to faith in Him. “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

The best way to set a good example for our children is to live out our faith in front of them. While they’re looking—they’re learning about what matters most. —Cindy Hess Kasper

Take stock of yourself and consider your child—
Your time and your thoughts are his due;
How would you reply to the Lord should He ask,
“What kind of parent are you?” —Anon.

Children may not inherit their parents’ talent, but they will absorb their values.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Knowing God’s Will

Knowing God’s Will (Ephesians 5:17-21)

. . . that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. —Romans 12:2

A young man facing the future and unsure of what the next year would bring, concluded, “Nobody knows what God’s will is.” Is he right? Does a lack of certainty about the future translate into not knowing God’s will?

The concept of knowing God’s will is often limited to discerning what specific situation we will be in at some future time. Although seeking God’s specific leading is part of it, another aspect that is just as vital is to follow the clearly defined elements of God’s will each and every day.

For instance, it is God’s will for us to be good citizens as a challenge to those opposed to Christ (1 Peter 2:15), to give God thanks no matter what (1 Thess. 5:18), to be sanctified sexually, avoiding immorality (1 Thess. 4:3), to live under the Holy Spirit’s control (Eph. 5:18), to sing to Him (v.19), and to submit to other believers (v.21).

As we submit to God in these and other areas, we are more likely to live in what Romans 12:2 calls God’s “good and acceptable and perfect will.” Living with God’s smile of approval leads to His guidance for the future.

As we seek to know God’s will for the future, we must also act on what we already know now. —Dave Branon

Knowing God’s will for the future
Comes when we follow today
What He’s revealed in the Scriptures
As His commands to obey. —Sper

Love and obey the Lord every day, and He will unfold your future.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Counterfeits Of The Heart

Counterfeits Of The Heart (Jeremiah 17:5-11)

The heart is deceitful above all things. —Jeremiah 17:9

True stories about deceit and deception can sound stranger than fiction. According to an AP news item, a Georgia woman was arrested after trying to pay for more than $1,500 in purchases with a million-dollar counterfeit bill. When questioned, the embarrassed patron claimed to have been misled, saying that the fake money had been given to her by her ex-husband, who was a coin collector.

The size of the bill makes us question whether anyone could really have been misled into thinking it was real. But maybe that makes it a good illustration of the almost unbelievable problem of self-deception that the prophet warns us about. When Jeremiah said, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (17:9 esv), he expresses a sense of amazement that is beyond our ability to grasp. Here the prophet is not saying that some of us have a problem being honest with ourselves; he is claiming that everyone does.

Thankfully, God searches our hearts and understands what we cannot see (v.10). He gives us every reason to say, “Lord, we need Your help. Please show us whether we are being honest with ourselves and You. If we aren’t, help us to change and rely on You rather than on ourselves.” —Mart De Haan

Search me, O God, and know my heart today;
Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray.
See if there be some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin and set me free. —Orr

The only way to survive in a world of deception is by trusting the One who will never deceive us.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Past Sin

Moving Past Sinful Failure (2 Samuel 12:1-23)

I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. —Isaiah 43:25

How should we handle moments of faith-failure, when we’ve damaged the kingdom of God in the eyes of our friends and family or dishonored God in our actions?

We can learn from King David after his humiliation in the Bathsheba scandal. Though the terrible consequences of that sin could not be avoided, he found his way back to a relationship with God that made it possible for him to continue to serve Him. We too can find our way back.

David’s pattern in 2 Samuel 12 serves us well: We need to declare our error candidly (v.13) and seek God’s forgiveness. Then we can ask God that others be spared the consequences of our actions (v.16). Finally, we need to recognize that sometimes the consequences simply cannot be avoided and must be endured. While we always mourn those consequences, we can’t allow them to so consume us that we cease to be servants of God (vv.20-23).

Satan not only delights in the moment of our failure but also in the spiritual inactivity that sometimes snares us in our remorse. When we’ve blown our witness, we are and should be humbled. But we should not multiply the damage by retreating into silence and obscurity as ambassadors of Christ. We can move past failure. —Randy Kilgore

Action Suggestion
If after you’ve confessed your sin to God, you still suffer
with guilty feelings, memorize Proverbs 24:16 and
1 John 1:9 and ask God to help you believe His Word.

God forgives our sins completely to restore us to His presence and service.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Why Is There Color?

Why Is There Color? (Psalm 19:1-6)

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. —Psalm 19:1

Why do some trees turn into a collage of radiant maroon, red, orange, and yellow colors in the fall? Trees are green in the summer because chlorophyll, a green pigment in the leaves, absorbs red and blue light from the sun. The light reflected from the leaves appears green to our eyes.

Chlorophyll is an unstable substance, and bright sunlight causes it to decompose rapidly. Therefore, plants must continuously synthesize and regenerate it. The shortening days and cool nights of autumn, however, interfere with this process. As chlorophyll breaks down, the green colors of the leaves begin to fade. Some trees change from green to bright yellow as the chlorophyll degrades. In others, the action of sugar in the leaves creates a red pigment, causing the leaves to turn maroon, purple, and bright red as the chlorophyll fades.

But why do we have color? It seems to serve no practical purpose—at least none that scientists can discern. And why are there photoreceptors in our eyes that enable us to see it?

I believe that God’s goodness is the point of His creation. He is “good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Ps. 145:9). He colored the world for our childlike delight. He’s like that, you know. —David Roper

God, the engineer of all creation,
Spoke the word, and beauty was begun,
Then He gave to us His great salvation
Through the sacrifice of His own Son. —Hess

God’s glory shines through His creation.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Money Worries

Money Worries (Luke 12:22-31)

Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. —Luke 12:32

Of His words recorded in the Bible, Jesus has more to say on money than any other topic. Luke 12 offers a good summary of His attitude. He does not condemn possessions, but He warns against putting faith in money to secure the future. Money fails to solve life’s biggest problems.

Although Jesus speaks to many aspects about money, He seems to concentrate on the question: What is money doing to you? Money can dominate a person’s life, diverting attention away from God. Jesus challenges us to break free of money’s power—even if it means giving it all away.

Jesus urges His listeners to seek treasure in the kingdom of God, for such treasure can benefit them in this life and the next one too. “Do not worry,” He says (v.22), for God is the one who provides for our needs. And then to emphasize His point, He brings up King Solomon, the richest man in the Old Testament. Jesus said that a common wildflower is clothed more gloriously by God than a royal king. So do not have an anxious mind (vv.27-29), “but seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you” (v.31).

Better to trust in the God who lavishes care on the whole earth than to spend our lives worrying about money and possessions. —Philip Yancey

For Further Study
Learn more about this subject by reading
Jesus’ Parables About Money on the Web
at Discoveryseries

The real measure of our wealth is what will be ours in eternity.

Source : Our Daily Bread

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Thank The Lord

We Thank The Lord (Proverbs 3:1-12)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. —Proverbs 3:5

Anna Anderson’s husband died early in their marriage, leaving her with three young daughters and a difficult future. Although trained in Virginia as a teacher, she lacked full credentials to work in the Philadelphia schools, so she took in laundry, did ironing, and later scrubbed floors at a large department store. As African-Americans, they often experienced racial prejudice and discrimination. When doors of opportunity closed, Anna believed that if they would trust the Lord with all their heart and acknowledge Him in all their ways, He would direct their paths (Prov. 3:5-6). She taught her daughters to depend on God, follow Him, and always be thankful.

When her firstborn, Marian, rose to become an internationally acclaimed classical singer, Anna continued to pray for her, and always gave God credit for her success. Reporters, who asked Anna how she felt after attending Marian’s concerts at Carnegie Hall and her 1955 debut with the Metropolitan Opera, heard her say, “We thank the Lord.” Her reply was not a cliché, but sincere gratefulness to God.

Rather than lament what she lacked, Anna Anderson expressed gratitude for what she had and used it for God’s glory. Today, we can follow her example with faith, confidence, and a heartfelt, “We thank the Lord.” —David McCasland

When we consider all God’s gifts
And all that we possess,
A grumbling mood of discontent
Gives way to thankfulness. —Sper

Gratitude is a mark of godliness.

Source : Our Daily Bread


Out Of The Mouth Of Babes (Psalm 8:1-2)

Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength. —Psalm 8:2

Psalm 8 begins with a startling contrast. David seems to suggest that while God has revealed His glory in the skies, another persuasive answer to His critics comes in the utterances of a child: “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger” (v.2).

Why is a child’s praise so persuasive? For one thing, it’s because, unlike the impersonal universe, a child can know and love God.

Jesus quoted Psalm 8:2 when religious leaders were scandalized that children were running around in the temple shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (Matt. 21:15-16). These little ones knew—as those leaders did not know—that Jesus was the long-awaited Son of God.

Some of my most memorable moments as a parent came when I knelt beside our children’s beds at night, and they opened their hearts to God. The simplicity of their love and trust as they prayed touched me deeply, dispelled my doubts and fears, and drew me to faith.

We must never take lightly little ones who believe in Christ (Matt. 18:6,10). Their witness is great, as is the witness in the skies. —David Roper

Could it be that the trusting child—
Who with childlike faith stands strong—
Can teach us more than sun and stars
About to whom our hearts belong? —Branon

Children are God’s precious jewels— help them shine for Christ.

Source : Our Daily Bread.

Monday, May 02, 2011


Rescued (Ephesians 2:1-10)

God, who is rich in mercy, . . . made us alive together with Christ. —Ephesians 2:4-5

Lauren nervously yet excitedly hopped into a one-person kayak for a white-water rafting experience. After strapping herself in, she headed down the river with a group of kayakers and guides.

Lauren became even more nervous when she laid eyes on the falls ahead. Suddenly, as the kayak tossed and turned in the white water, it flipped over. She had been instructed on how to get out quickly if this were to happen. But she became disoriented as she hung upside-down in the water and couldn’t find the release bar to get out. She knew she couldn’t hold her breath much longer and thought she would soon be in the Lord’s presence. Then help came just in time and she was saved. Lauren was very grateful for her rescue from physical death.

An even greater rescue has been provided for us—rescue from spiritual death has come in the Person of Jesus Christ. While we were drowning in sin, God sent His Son Jesus to bring life through His own death and resurrection (Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:5). He did so because He is “rich in mercy” and because of “His great love” (Eph. 2:4).

Out of gratefulness, we can help others by telling them of the Rescuer they so desperately need. —Anne Cetas

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save. —Crosby

Those who’ve been rescued should be ready and willing to help in the rescue of others.

Source : Our Daily Bread.

Didapati Setia

Didapati Setia
Dikirim oleh : Fransisca Adella Kipuw

Keluaran 3:1 “Adapun Musa, ia biasa menggembalakan kambing domba Yitro, mertuanya, imam di Midian. Sekali, ketika ia menggiring kambing domba itu ke seberang padang gurun, sampailah ia ke gunung Allah, yakni gunung Horeb.”

Setiap kali Allah melakukan pekerjaan dalam sebuah generasi, Dia membangkitkan seseorang yang kepadanya diberikan hikmat, iman, dan Roh Kudus. Kitab Keluaran mencatat salah seorang nabi sekaligus pemimpin terbesar sepanjang sejarah, yakni Musa. Ia memimpin generasinya keluar dari ikatan Mesir menuju warisan mereka, Kanaan – tanah yang telah Allah janjikan untuk Abraham dan keturunannya.

Hidup Musa bisa dibagi menjadi tiga bagian: (1) 40 tahun pertama di Mesir, ketika ia berpikir bahwa dia adalah seseorang; (2) 40 tahun berikutnya di padang gurun, ketika ia menyadari bahwa ia bukanlah siapa-siapa, dan (3) 40 tahun terakhir sebagai seorang pembebas, ketika ia belajar bahwa Allah dapat mengubah seorang yang bukan siapa-siapa menjadi seseorang.

Untuk menjadi seorang yang dipakai Allah, Anda harus rela melewati proses-Nya. Ketika Anda belajar untuk merendahkan diri, izinkan kesombongan Anda dihancurkan oleh Allah dan biarkan Dia membentuk Anda menjadi “Musa” bagi generasi Anda.

“Banyak yang dipanggil, tetapi sedikit yang dipilih” (Matius 22:14). Merupakan suatu hal untuk dipanggil oleh Allah, tetapi beda halnya dengan dipilih oleh Allah. Seperti Wahyu 17:14 berkata, “Mereka yang bersama dengan Dia juga akan menang, yaitu mereka yang terpanggil, yang telah dipilih dan yang setia.” Musa tidak hanya dipanggil dan dipilih oleh Allah, tetapi ia didapati setia dalam setiap hal yang ia lakukan untuk Tuhan dalam rumah-Nya (Ibrani 3:2).

Sama halnya dengan Anda, akan ada tiga pembagian dalam hidup Anda sebagai orang-orang percaya. Pertama, akan mempunyai masa dimana Anda dipanggil oleh Allah. Kemudian akan ada masa persiapan. Jika Anda melewati masa persiapan ini maka yang terakhir, akan ada waktu ketika Dia memilih dan menempatkan Anda di sebuah pelayanan. Supaya pelayanan tersebut dapat berkembang dan berbuah lebat, Anda harus didapati setia dalam melayani-Nya.

Pelayanan Anda akan sangat luar biasa bila Anda senantiasa setia melayani Allah

Sumber : Renungan Harian

Membawa Kebaikan

MEMBAWA KEBAIKAN (Kejadian 1:27-31)
Dikirim oleh : Fransisca Adella Kipuw

Maka Allah melihat segala yang dijadikan-Nya itu, sungguh amat baik (Kejadian 1:31)

Dalam salah satu buku kumpulan khotbahnya, Menyembah dalam Roh dan Kebenaran, Pdt. Eka Darmaputera menulis demikian, "Dari semua makhluk ciptaan Tuhan, hanya manusia yang punya kecenderungan menyalahi dan melanggar hukum alam." Lalu beliau mengutip sebuah sajak:

"Allah menciptakan matahari, matahari memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan bulan, bulan memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan bintang-bintang, bintang-bintang memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan awan-awan, awan-awan memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan bumi, bumi memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan pohon-pohon, pohon-pohon memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan bunga, buah, binatang, mereka memberi sesuatu. Allah menciptakan Anda dan saya, apa yang Anda dan saya beri?"

Ya, apa yang Anda dan saya beri bagi kehidupan ini? Konon, ada tiga jenis orang di dunia ini. (1) Orang yang ada atau tidak ada sama saja, tidak membuat orang lain sedih atau senang. (2) Orang yang lebih baik tidak ada; orang lain justru senang kalau ia tidak ada. (3) Orang yang kehadirannya membawa kebaikan, sehingga ketika ia tidak ada, orang lain pun merasa sedih dan kehilangan.

Pertanyaan untuk kita renungkan, orang jenis manakah kita? Semoga bukan jenis pertama, lebih-lebih bukan jenis kedua. Sebab kalau begitu kita adanya, itu berarti kita tidak memenuhi tujuan Allah  menciptakan kita di dunia ini. Allah menciptakan kita-di mana pun kita berada, dan dalam peran apa pun kita hidup-untuk membawa  kebaikan; memuliakan Allah, dan membuat orang lain merasa bersyukur --AYA


Sumber : Renungan Harian

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