Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pelajaran Hidup

For your soul and for you to do before it is too late.


Saat kau berumur 1 tahun, dia menyuapi dan memandikanmu. Sebagai balasannya, kau menangis sepanjang malam.

Saat kau berumur 2 tahun, dia mengajarimu bagaimana cara berjalan. Sebagai balasannya, kau kabur saat dia memanggilmu.

Saat kau berumur 3 tahun, memasakkan semua makananmu dengan kasih sayang. Sebagai balasannya, kau buang piring berisi makanan ke lantai.

Saat kau berumur 4 tahun, dia memberimu pensil berwarna. Sebagai balasannya, kau coret-coret dinding rumah dan meja makan

Saat kau berumur 5 tahun, dia membelikanmu pakaian-pakaian yang mahal dan indah. Sebagai balasannya, kau memakainya untuk bermain di kubangan lumpur dekat rumah.

Saat kau berumur 6 tahun, dia mengantarmu pergi ke sekolah. Sebagai balasannya, kau berteriak."NGGAK MAU!!"

Saat kau berumur 7 tahun, dia membelikanmu bola. Sebagai balasannya, kau lemparkan bola ke jendela tetangga.

Saat kau berumur 8 tahun, dia memberimu es krim. Sebagai balasannya, kau tumpahkan hingga mengotori seluruh bajumu.

Saat kau berumur 9 tahun, dia membayar mahal untuk kursus pianomu. Sebagai balasannya, kau sering bolos dan sama sekali tidak pernah berlatih.

Saat kau berumur 10 tahun, dia mengantarmu ke mana saja, dari kolam renang hingga pesta ulang tahun. Sebagai balasannya, kau melompat keluar mobil tanpa memberi salam.

Saat kau berumur 11 tahun, dia mengantar kau dan teman-temanmu ke bioskop. Sebagai balasannya, kau minta dia duduk di baris lain.

Saat kau berumur 12 tahun, dia melarangmu untuk melihat acara TV khusus orang dewasa. Sebagai balasannya, kau tunggu dia sampai keluar rumah.

Saat kau berumur 13 tahun, dia menyarankanmu untuk memotong rambut, karena sudah waktunya. Sebagai balasannya, kau katakan dia tidak tahu mode.

Saat kau berumur 14 tahun, dia membayar biaya untuk kempingmu selama sebulan liburan. Sebagai balasannya, kau tak pernah meneleponnya..

Saat kau berumur 15 tahun, pulang kerja ingin memelukmu. Sebagai balasannya, kau kunci pintu kamarmu.

Saat kau berumur 16 tahun, dia ajari kau mengemudi mobilnya. Sebagai balasannya, kau pakai mobilnya setiap ada kesempatan tanpa peduli kepentingannya.

Saat kau berumur 17 tahun, dia sedang menunggu telepon yang penting. Sebagai balasannya, kau pakai telepon nonstop semalaman.

Saat kau berumur 18 tahun, dia menangis terharu ketika kau lulus SMA. Sebagai balasannya, kau berpesta dengan temanmu hingga pagi.

Saat kau berumur 19 tahun, dia membayar biaya kuliahmu dan mengantarmu ke kampus pada hari pertama. Sebagai balasannya, kau minta diturunkan jauh dari pintu gerbang agar kau tidak malu di depan teman-temanmu.

Saat kau berumur 20 tahun, dia bertanya, "Dari mana saja seharian ini?" Sebagai balasannya, kau jawab,"Ah Ibu cerewet amat sih, ingin tahu urusan orang!"

Saat kau berumur 21 tahun, dia menyarankan satu pekerjaan yang bagus untuk karirmu di masa depan. Sebagai balasannya, kau katakan,"Aku tidak ingin seperti Ibu."

Saat kau berumur 22 tahun, dia memelukmu dengan haru saat kau lulus perguruan tinggi. Sebagai balasannya, kau tanya dia kapan kau bisa ke Bali.

Saat kau berumur 23 tahun, dia membelikanmu 1 set furnitur untuk rumah barumu. Sebagai balasannya, kau ceritakan pada temanmu betapa jeleknya furnitur itu.

Saat kau berumur 24 tahun, dia bertemu dengan tunanganmu dan bertanya tentang rencananya di masa depan. Sebagai balasannya, kau mengeluh,"Aduuh, bagaimana Ibu ini, kok bertanya seperti itu?"

Saat kau berumur 25 tahun, dia mambantumu membiayai penikahanmu. Sebagai balasannya, kau pindah ke kota lain yang jaraknya lebih dari 500km.

Saat kau berumur 30 tahun, dia memberikan beberapa nasehat bagaimana merawat bayimu. Sebagai balasannya, kau katakan padanya,"Bu, sekarang jamannya sudah berbeda!"

Saat kau berumur 40 tahun, dia menelepon untuk memberitahukan pesta ulang tahun salah seorang kerabat. Sebagai balasannya, kau jawab,"Bu, saya sibuk sekali, nggak ada waktu."

Saat kau berumur 50 tahun, dia sakit-sakitan sehingga memerlukan perawatanmu. Sebagai balasannya, kau baca tentang pengaruh negatif orang tua yang menumpang tinggal di rumah anak-anaknya.

Dan hingga suatu hari, dia meninggal dengan tenang. Dan tiba-tiba kau teringat banyak hal yang belum pernah kau lakukan untuk dia.
Perasaan bersalah datang menghantam HATI mu bagaikan palu godam, tanpa akhir.

There is only one pretty child in the world and every mother has it. ---Chinese Proverb.


Semuanya belum terlambat jika kita mau untuk memperbaikinya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Aku mengucap syukur kepada Allahku karena persekutuanmu dalam Berita Injil mulai dari hari pertama sampai sekarang ini. Akan hal ini aku yakin sepenuhnya, yaitu Ia, yang memulai pekerjaan yang baik diantara kamu, akan meneruskannya sampai pada akhirnya pada hari Kristus Yesus. Fil 1:5

Doa Sederhana

Doa Sederhana

Ada seorang pastor merasa terganggu melihat seorang lelaki tua berpakaian lusuh masuk gereja setiap sore dan baru saja beberapa menit keluar lagi. Apa yang dilakukannya dalam waktu sedemikian singkat itu?

Ia menyuruh penjaga Gereja untuk menanyakan lelaki tua itu. Ia khawatir jangan -jangan ia mencuri sesuatu. Menjawab pertanyaan penjaga gereja, orang tua itu berkata, "Saya pergi berdoa."
"Ah, mana mungkin", kata penjaga itu, "Anda tidak pernah berada cukup lama di dalam gereja untuk berdoa."
"Baiklah, anda tahu", kata pria tua berpakaian lusuh. "Saya tidak dapat mengucapkan doa yang panjang.Tetapi setiap sore saya hanya masuk dan berkata, " Yesus, inilah Jimmi". Kemudian saya berdiam diri satu menit dan keluar lagi. Itu hanya sebuah doa sederhana, tetapi saya kira Ia mendengarkan saya."

Beberapa waktu kemudian, Jimmi terluka dan masuk rumah sakit. Ia membawa kecerahan dan kegembiraaan ke seluruh bangsal rumah sakit itu. Orang-orang yang biasanya mengeluh menjadi riang, dan terkadang tertawa girang.
"Jimmi", kata seorang perawat pada suatu hari, "Orang-orang berkata bahwa engkaulah yang menyebabkan perubahan suasana dalam bangsal ini. Mereka berkata bahwa engkau selalu bahagia."
"Engkau benar, suster. Saya tidak dapat berbuat lain kecuali berbahagia. Engkau lihat, pengunjungku setiap hari membuat saya bahagia."
"Pengunjungmu? " tanya perawat itu. Ia tidak pernah melihat seorangpun datang mengunjunginya.
"Kapan mereka datang?"
"Setiap hari", katanya, dan sinar matanya semakin cerah. "Ya, setiap hari pada pukul 12.00 Ia datang dan berdiri di sudut kaki tempat tidurku. Aku memandang Dia dan Ia tersenyum sambil berkata kepadaku, "Jimmi, ini Aku, Yesus!"

(dikutip dari buku ' Cerita Bermakna' by Frank M.)
Semoga hatimu semakin dekat dengan Yesus.... May God be with you all the time...Tuhan memberkati

Seven Habits

Dave Kraft

Stephen Covey wrote a book describing the seven habits of highly effective people. Well, if there are habits that people can acquire to make them effective, then there are also habits that leaders will want to shed that cause them to be ineffective. Here are some I have been thinking about and working on:

Leaders who want to be effective will be careful that they are not:

1. Spending too much time managing and not enough time leading.

Leadership guru Warren Bennis notes that most organizations are over-managed and under-led.

There are major differences between managing and leading.
Here are a few:
*Generally speaking:
*Managers think short term, leaders long term
*Managers control and minimize change, leaders initiate change
*Managers are reactive (responding to ideas) leaders are proactive (creating ideas)
*Managers solve problems, leaders create excitement generating more problems
*Managers are process-oriented (how it is done), leaders are result-oriented (why and if it is done)
*Managers motivate by rules and regulations, leaders by empowerment and vision

2. Spending too much time in counseling the hurting and not enough time in developing the leaders.

John Maxwell makes the observation that people with very strong mercy gifts don't function well in visionary leadership. They don't want to hurt anybody or make decisions that offend or cause conflict. My experience would verify that. Those leaders who know they have a strong mercy side must be very careful about who they spend time with. All their available time and energy will go to the hurting and the discouraged, leaving no time to develop future leaders which is the leader's main responsibility.The hurting will find you. You will have to find the leaders.

3. Spending too much time fighting fires and not enough time lighting fires.

The leader needs to be a proactive fire lighter, not a reactive fire fighter. Many leaders spend so much time dealing with issues in a crises mode that they have precious little time left to deal with the longer term issues so as to not be caught behind the change curve.

4. Spending too much time doing and not enough time praying, dreaming and planning.

We have all heard the expression, "Just don't sit there, do something." Leaders need to practice, "Just don't do something, sit there." A good leader will balance out doing and dreaming, active and quiet, energized and hibernating. A good leader will have less on the "do list" and free up time to "just sit there" and not be always chasing his own tail light in the traffic of life.Many leaders are entirely too busy with the day-to-day issues and spend comparatively little time in creative dreaming, and time alone with God. Peter Drucker says that action without thinking is the cause of every failure.

5. Spending too much time teaching the many and not enough time training the few.

The war will not be won from behind the pulpit.

Many leaders invest entirely too much time in public teaching in spite of the fact that statistics show that 70-80% of most audiences are not listening and will not apply what they are getting. Speaking to the crowds needs to be balanced out with investing quality and quantity time with the few who can and will reproduce (2 Timothy 2:2).

6. Spending too much time doing it themselves and not enough time doing it through others.

Little people do it all by themselves, big people get others to help them. You have two choices in your leadership. Do it yourself, or get others to help you carry the load (Number 11:17).

Your willingness and determination to work through others, more than anything else, may well define your effectiveness and success in ministry.

Today is the day of the team and collaborative leadership, not "the Lone Ranger." I have been in the hiring position numerous times through the years and the person I'm always looking for is the one who does ministry through people, not for people, or with people. Delegate or suffocate, which will it be?

7. Making too many decisions based on organizational politics and too few decisions based on biblical principles.

I wish we had more leaders (in the church as well as in the private and public sectors) who do the biblically correct thing and are not overly worried about the politically correct thing.

Leaders who don't hold their wet finger in the wind to see which way it is blowing but using that same finger to turn the pages of Holy Writ to see which way the Spirit of God wants to move.

Truly effective leaders will:
*Lead, not merely manage
*Develop future leaders
*Light new fires
*Spend time praying, dreaming and planning
*Do ministry through others
*Make biblically correct decisions

So, my fellow leader, how are you doing? What do you need to change, do differently? These practical, real-life ideas will help you grow personally as a leader and help you become better at developing the leaders around you.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Math Miracle

The Biggest Mathematical Miracle In The World

Moses and the people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food.

According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it is reported that Moses would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day.

Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each a mile long, would be required! Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, so they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4,000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day. And just think, they were forty years in transit.

And they would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day, and a freight train with tank cars, 1,800 miles long just to bring the water!

Another this, they had to get acress the Red Sea at night. Now, if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So, there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5,000 abreast to get over in one night.

Each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island was required, or a total of 750 square miles long ... think of it!Do you think Moses figured this out before he left Egypt? I think not!You see, Moses believed in God.God took care of these things for him.

Now do you think God has any problem taking care of all your needs? May God bless you and keep you safe.

Using What God Gave You

Using What God Gave You
taken from chapter 32
The Purpose Driven Life
by Rick Warren

God deserves your best.
He shaped you for a purpose, and he expects you to make the most of what you have been given. He doesn't want you to worry about or covet abilities you don't have. Instead he wants you to focus on talents he has given you to use.

The best way to discover your gifts and abilities is to experiment with different areas of service. Until you're actually involved in serving, you're not going to know what you're good at.

Examine your experiences and extract the lessons you have learned. We rarely see God's good purpose in pain or failure or embarrassment while it is happening. Only in hindsight do we understand how God intended a problem for good.

Since God know what's best for you, you should gratefully accept the way he has fashioned you. Instead of trying to reshape yourself to be like someone else, you should celebrate the shape God has given only to you. Part of accepting your shape is recognizing your limitations. Nobody is good at everything, and no one is called to be everything. We all have defined roles.

Jesus' parable of the talents illustrates that God expects us to make the most what he gives us. We are to cultivate our gifts and abilities, keep our hearts aflame, grow our character and personality, and broaden our experiences so we will be increasingly more effective in our service.

If you don't exercise your muscles, they weaken and atrophy. In the same way, if you don't utilize the abilities and skills God has given you, you will lose them.

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